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Get To Know Us


Our Mission

We are a group of people who find real life in Jesus Christ, celebrate that life in community,

and share the life with everyone around us.

Our mission was not simply to plant a church, but to launch a multiplication movement in the NW Kalamazoo area. To accomplish this, we seek to become a diverse & committed community of disciples that celebrates, shares, and spreads the good news of our life in Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit for the glory of God.  We will disciple one another, and we will disciple our world—engaging our faith, enjoying our life in Christ and encouraging our friends and neighbors to become disciples who make disciples!


Our Vision

We long to be a community that brings glory to God, follows the way of Jesus, and flows in the power of the Holy Spirit. We will experience fruitful results by pursuing faithful living. We will grow and multiply in proportion to the quantity and quality of the discipling relationships we make in our lives. The community that God gathers in this way will reflect the communities we live in—with all of their diversities and potential.  Imagine a church that reflects the world around us! Our community will value belonging to Christ and belonging to one another; we will celebrate together in worship and fellowship; we will actively pursue transformation in our own lives and encourage the work of the Holy Spirit in one another; we will be intentional, focused and sacrificial in our daily discipleship; and we will be missional and kingdom-oriented in our life and work in the world. Our love and attention will continually be directed upwardly toward God, inwardly toward one another, and

outwardly toward our communities.

Our Core Values

These five Core Values are the pillars upon which The Living Well Church is built. It's who we are, what we believe, and how we live our lives.

  • Belonging - Real life is experienced together in relationships and diversity

  • Celebration - Real life is expressed in worship and fellowship around Christ

  • Transformation - Real life is characterized by discipleship and spiritual growth

  • Devotion - Real life is practiced with intentionality and sacrifice

  • Purpose - Real life is multiplied through a missional and kingdom focus




Our Beliefs​

As a church of the Reformed Church in America (click to go to the RCA website), we declare the following to be the Truths about our faith:​​​​​

The Triune God

  • God is eternal and eternally available for us to know through the persons of the Father, the Son (Jesus), and the Holy Spirit.

God is Sovereign â€‹

  • God rules the whole Universe.

We Can Know God​

  • God as Creator is shown to us through the natural world. God as Redeemer is demonstrated through His Word, the Holy Bible.

God Made Everything and Declared it Good​

  • All of Creation is from God, and it is good.

Humans are Broken and Sinful​

  • The Fall of Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden stripped us of the perfection of God. We must be redeemed to return to the perfection of God.

Jesus Died to Reconcile Us With God​

  • By dying on the cross, Jesus took on the punishment of our sins.

The Gift of Salvation Comes Through Our Faith in Jesus​

  • Only our declaration of our faith in Jesus brings us into the grace of God.

We Are Sanctified Through the Holy Spirit​

  • The Holy Spirit makes us more like Jesus the more we allow it to move in our lives.

The Church is Christ's Body on Earth​

  • We are unified as the Hands and Feet of Jesus - the parts that do the work, while Jesus, himself, is our Head.

We Are to Live the Gospel - the Good News of Jesus - in Our Words and Deeds​

  • Though our deeds do not save us - only faith in Jesus does - we are called to show the love of Jesus in everything we do.

The Sacraments of Baptism and The Lord's Supper​

  • Baptism by water signifies the Blood of Jesus washing away our sins.

  • The Lord's Supper is the sanctified eating of bread and drinking from the cup of communion, as a symbol of Jesus's body dying on the cross and His blood which was shed for our salvation. We receive Christ's body and blood into our souls by faith;  He becomes a part of us.

The Church Seeks to Help People Who Stray​

  • There is a hierarchy of governance to lead the people of the Church and to redirect those who have turned away from God.

We Are Unified in God and With Each Other Through Jesus​

  • Regardless of theology, all Christians are one body in Christ.

We Await the Return of Jesus and the New Heaven and Earth

  • God will bring about an ultimate restoration of all things by returning Jesus to us, judging evil, bringing and end to the power of sin and death, making all things new - a glorious resurrection through Christ Jesus.


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