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Join us Sundays at 9:30am as Pastor Philip takes us on a journey through the story of Jesus as the Great Healer in the book of Luke. Jesus offers healing and compassion to everyone, and that includes US!

Holy Week at The Living Well Church -
Journey With Jesus

Come and experience Holy Week like never before in this moving, self-guided, free event for the whole family.

April 14-16 from 4-6pm.

About Us 

What is The Living Well all about?
Simply put: living life in authentic community with others.

Jesus repeatedly tasked his disciples with two things: loving people,

and sharing the joy of life in Christ with everyone.  

Pretty simple, right?

We’ve set out to create a place that fosters real, life-giving relationships both within a church setting, and in your everyday world. Whether you’re at home, at work, at the grocery store, at the brewery down the street – YOU have been called to love people, and to share the joy of your faith through real, authentic, everyday relationships.

We’d love for you to join us as we seek to
find real life in Jesus Christ, celebrate that life in community,
and share the life with everyone around us!

Who We Are 


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